
If Your Heart Is Hurting...

We don't need any more brokenness in our lives. 

Our hearts hurt and we try to fit a design the world made, a design we were never meant to fit.

Something new, something coveted, something we have to have

Occupies our minds more than what is already in front of us.

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I'm trying something new if you couldn't tell. Sometimes, we have a lot on our minds and the way I best let it come out is by writing my feelings down or painting something. But lately, I haven't had much time for either, hence the fact that I haven't been very present.

My priorities lie somewhere else and most times honestly sometimes, this blog falls on the backburner.

I created this blog to speak my mind.

And sometimes my mind isn't filled with the political and social issues of our country. Sometimes, it's filled with the sadness of the fact that we aren't reaching our full potential. We have so much to offer and we fall short of what we could be out of fear, out of worry, out of holding back.

I don't know if any of this makes sense, or if I'm rambling nonsense. For all I know, this post won't be posted, or if it is, I might delete it later.

Life is beautiful.

Sometimes it's hard to see.

But there is a rainbow to every storm and a shining sun waiting to peek out from the clouds. Life can suck sometimes. (I'm very aware of this right now, haha.) But there is so much life has to offer to us.

And we have a higher purpose.

So reach for the stars because you shine like one. <3

(This is what happens when you ramble late at night.)