
True Racism: How America Is Becoming Racist

By that title, you may already want to leave, but I assure you I have something important to say, something everyone needs to hear.

Maybe you heard the story, or maybe you didn't, but a little nine-year-old girl, who happened to be black, recently killed herself over being bullied by other kids because she had a white friend. The bullies told her she should kill herself for being friends with a white kid, so that's exactly what she did.

This story broke my heart because growing up, I had friends of all colors and I never experienced an issue like this. I had white friends, black friends, Asian friends, and Hispanic friends. Never was it an issue what any of us looked like, only that we could play outside and do things we liked to do.

This young girl won't live to see the Christmas presents her parents bought her. She won't live to grow up to change the world. She died because she was close to someone who happened to be white.

This is the problem these days.

Nine-year-olds don't think this way. Their parents do. And kids often copycat their parents in an effort to seem grown up and mature, but this is a far cry from maturity.

I have questions for the parents of the bullies.

Why does race matter so much to you?
Do you even feel responsible or the slightest bit guilty for the pain and heartache your children have caused another innocent family?
What do you have to gain from being racist?

Now, there may be some of you saying that a person of color cannot be racist.

They very much can.

I have experienced racism myself from a person of color. I am not going to disclose my ethnicity here because that doesn't matter. But I have felt the pain of what it's like to be judged solely by how I look and it's not fun.

I know it hurts and I'm so sorry if someone ever treated you horribly for the way you were made to be.

But know this, those of you who are looking down upon someone for their color, whether it be black, white, Hispanic, or Asian, you are a racist. There is no way around it. And anyone of any color can be a racist.

Lately, some people have gotten into a mentality that the white person owes them something.

No one is purely white at this point. There have been so many marriages between races far before we were even born.

America is more divided than ever. The division started a few years ago and continues to rip us apart.

I want to stand hand in hand, embrace our differences, and be one nation again.

I owe you nothing.
You owe me nothing.

We can start over.
We can be the land of the free, home of the brave, and accept one another.

You can be of a different political party than me and I can still respect you and vice versa.

No matter what you believe, the fact that a young girl will never get to live her life all because she had a great friend is a tragedy and I think we can all agree upon that.

If you have any thoughts, leave them in the comments below and I will reply as fast as I can. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope you gained something from it. 

Starting Over

I have not been a great blogger.

I'm not a newbie at this, believe it or not. I have done this before, under a name I won't share now. I am a mystery to you, and maybe a bit to myself.

Hope T. is a pen name.

When I began Speaking Truth, it was because I had a passion, a burning fire that was ignited within my soul to speak my mind without fear.

And in that, I have also found that the flame sometimes dies, only to be reignited again. I truly hope to do better in this coming year because you, dear reader, deserve better. I have only one follower and a handful of readers. I want to grow my following, not out of a want for a higher number, but to have a community.

I want to share the wisdom I have, the words that flow in my mind.

I want to speak my mind, but not in a cruel way.

I want to address the topics we shy away from.

I want to say what we're all afraid to say.

I want to Speak Truth.

Which is why I'm starting over. A new look. A new name. A new beginning.

I hope you'll stick around to see me begin anew.

For now, all my other posts have been reverted to drafts. I want a  blank canvas to paint on.

If you are wondering what this blog is going to be about, it will be about the hard topics no one wants to address and I will do it the only way I know how, bluntly.

Thank you for checking in. Until next time (which is soon),

Speak truth, friends.