
Starting Over

I have not been a great blogger.

I'm not a newbie at this, believe it or not. I have done this before, under a name I won't share now. I am a mystery to you, and maybe a bit to myself.

Hope T. is a pen name.

When I began Speaking Truth, it was because I had a passion, a burning fire that was ignited within my soul to speak my mind without fear.

And in that, I have also found that the flame sometimes dies, only to be reignited again. I truly hope to do better in this coming year because you, dear reader, deserve better. I have only one follower and a handful of readers. I want to grow my following, not out of a want for a higher number, but to have a community.

I want to share the wisdom I have, the words that flow in my mind.

I want to speak my mind, but not in a cruel way.

I want to address the topics we shy away from.

I want to say what we're all afraid to say.

I want to Speak Truth.

Which is why I'm starting over. A new look. A new name. A new beginning.

I hope you'll stick around to see me begin anew.

For now, all my other posts have been reverted to drafts. I want a  blank canvas to paint on.

If you are wondering what this blog is going to be about, it will be about the hard topics no one wants to address and I will do it the only way I know how, bluntly.

Thank you for checking in. Until next time (which is soon),

Speak truth, friends.

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